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Provinces of Lumen ☀ town griefed :3.
Dear Sir/Madam,

The town "Heretics Bay" founded by the Provinces of Lumen has been griefed. Hereby multiple houses were destroyed, storage destroyed, beacon stolen, villagers killed and many other damages. There was a sign saying "you know what you did" so we have no clue who did it lol. Such a sign can imply this is some five year old drama which we long forgot about or someone just dislikes the colour Oranje in our banner flag haha.

Anyhow to get to business if a previous save of the area of Heretics Bay can just be restored to the area would be kindly appreciated by us. There hasn't been activity in the town for atleast a month, because we currently aren't very active until the mapreset, so there isn't anything lost in the town just being restored to a previous save.

This is Heretics Bay prior to the grief:
[Image: image.png?ex=65acd3c1&is=659a5ec1&hm=208...bf99ca25f&]

Yours faithfully,
Mister Murphy.
Mister Murphy,
Founder of the Provinces of Lumen ☀

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Provinces of Lumen ☀ town griefed :3. - by Mr_Murphy - 01-10-2024, 09:26 PM

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