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no_t fly/wall hacks
New player joined, "no_t"

They ask to team with me after brief exchange and I accept (my mistake but whatever doesn't really matter)

I give him my portal coords and meet him in the nether. After falling in lava this player flies out, right in front of me.

I'll let the screenshot speak for itself.

Confession to hacking after watching them fly around (not with elytra, but as if in creative)

I have more screenshots of this player flying around, and limited video recording (after they arrived at my base) but these cannot seem to be attached to this post, so I will leave them out (reach out to me on discord "tesseracted" if you want to see them or more information)

Afterwards, I pretended to be AFK, they trapped me in a box and I was curious if I was going to be killed. I was not disappointed and was hit through multiple layers of blocks and pursued via flight hacks.

No damages to my base were done, so no rollback necessary -- and if it were done, I wouldn't really mind. However, there are some nice bases in my vicinity (~8k blocks radius) that could be more of a target.

Thank you staff for the time you put into this server <3

Have a good day everyone,

-Tesseracted, 7/22/24

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