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Lumen griefed again - Printable Version

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Lumen griefed again - hibi - 03-30-2024


One of Lumen's towns, Nelumina, got griefed. Affected areas include, but are not limited to: main storage, plaza, furnace array, librarian villager trading hall, library, moss cobblestone temple, ice boat tunnel (around library area), and horse stable. I haven't noticed damage in other areas but we'll keep watching the situation for any developments, and I'll continue to search for more damage.

The grief happened verifiably between 19:22 UTC March 29 and 1:11 UTC March 30.

I kindly ask on behalf of Lumen for the affected areas to be rolled back. While activity has been minimal, I'll run checks against other Lumen members if they have been working on things in town.

Additionally, please identify the perpetrator, if that's within your technical ability.


RE: Lumen griefed again - CubeStealer - 03-31-2024

You were griefed by the IGN Tkraack
Rollback in progress.