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Banned - Printable Version

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Banned - Ubitnik - 02-12-2023

All it says it banned by operator. Id really like to know what i did wrong

RE: Banned - CubeStealer - 02-12-2023

You have posted too many threads on the subject. Choose one thread to address the banning and delete the rest.

RE: Banned - Ubitnik - 02-12-2023

ok this one. I wasn't given a reason for the bean. Im in the middle of a big project and want to get back

and i want my kids account unbanned and the operator banned for abuse of power

RE: Banned - CubeStealer - 02-12-2023

Just like I have the back of my players against strangers who come to grief and raid, I also have the back of my unpaid staff when they're subject to abuse from players. They do not get paid a cent to run the server and some of them have done so for years. Whatever you said about PetertheBrewer was completely out of line. You were an admin before and you know where the line between in game banter and targeted abuse is.

RE: Banned - Ubitnik - 02-12-2023

I was upset that he came on and did nothing about the hacker. Sorry about that, but he was wrong for telling me that profanity isnt allowed and then threatened to ban me for "testing" him. He was out of line when he was wrong about the server rules. I was in the middle of a community build and had to keep stopping to deal with a hacker.

What about having the back of players when server staff is wrong? He was 100% wrong for telling me that profanity isn't allowed, and then "bullying" me with his staff powers. That is targeted abuse too.

Players shouldn't be threatened with bans for correcting staff when they are wrong about a rule. Wouldn't you agree? Staff wrongfully correcting a player and then punishing them for their response? Response doesn't happen if staff doesn't cross the line first. None of what I said would have been said if he didn't threaten me with a ban for correcting him about a rule. This is the 2nd time this has happened and the staff hasn't learned the rules.

I was harassed by PeterTheBrewer first.

RE: Banned - Ubitnik - 02-12-2023

From Wikipedia: Entrapment is a practice in which a law enforcement agent or agent of the state induces a person to commit a "crime" that the person would have otherwise been unlikely or unwilling to commit.

The "crime" for which I was banned is a result of being induced by staff.

RE: Banned - CubeStealer - 02-13-2023

You have your reasons for assuming he did "nothing" about a hacker. That does not give you the right to call my staff "fucking worthless" Nobody would get away with calling you that when you were an admin. Same holds true now. The rules say "While friendly banter and some mild profanity that is common to gaming communities is tolerated..."

Targeted abuse of a staff member who does not get paid to run the server does not fall under that provision of the rules.

RE: Banned - Ubitnik - 02-13-2023

Look im sorry. I looked at the situation and felt like nothing was being done about a hacker that kept ruining my fun

RE: Banned - Ubitnik - 02-20-2023

Been over a week now. I'd like to get back to the community project I was working on. Kind of losing my mind here.

RE: Banned - Ubitnik - 02-21-2023

I've apologized and I've been gone a week. I was gone for 2 months last time. I'm just going to mute my chat and not talk to anyone. Just let me finish out this map and you will never see me again.