Junior Miner
Junior Miner

cocobi is Offline
Last Visit:
07-25-2020, 07:22 AM
Time Spent Online:
21 Hours, 27 Minutes, 44 Seconds
Not Specified
United provinces of Canadia
I was once a polar bear, but then one day i woke up to find myself only 10% polar bear and 90% panda. I could maybe put on some mascara around my eyes to to make my self look more like a panda but honestly I'm a bit too lazy so I guess I'm fine with being only 90% panda for now. Also this one time I've built this really super awesome knight statue only to be made fun of where others were claiming that it looks like needs to go to the bathroom and therefore I gave up on it and started building a japanese castle instead. Others said it looked cool so i made a even bigger one because why not? more castles = better = profit. Now i spend my days hanging out with other awesome ppl i've met and defending the server from the drain gang.
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